Friday, January 27, 2012

Ben Howard - Musician of the Moment

Ben Howard recently popped up on my StumbleUpon, and I fell in love with his music immediately. This is just a taste, be sure to check out more of his songs like "The Wolves" and "Only Love".


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

DIY Newspaper Nails

SO. I've recently been quite obsessed with nail painting, and I found a really cool tutorial for creating newspaper-print nails online...there are quite a few. I thought I'd create my own, though! My first trial was a little rough, but I'm definitely going to try it again soon.


  • a light colored nail polish, like white, yellow, mint green (I used a nude color)
  • clear polish
  • rubbing alcohol
  • some newspaper clippings
  • fingernail polish remover (for those of us without perfectly steady hands)  :)

Paint your nails the light color and let them dry....YES, ALL THE WAY!

After your nails are dry, pour a little of the rubbing alcohol into the lid or a cup, doesn't really matter. Then, dip one nail into the alcohol for about 5 seconds, and move on to step three!

Take a small piece of newspaper and press it onto the nail firmly with your thumb. Hold it on there for 30-45 seconds, and try not to wiggle it around! Then, remove the newspaper, and the text should be transferred (backwards) onto your nail! If there was some paper left behind, just dip the nail in the alcohol again and gently rub it off

Paint a layer of clear polish to seal in the newspaper print, and VOILA! You're done!
(The newspaper print that might be on your fingers will wear off in no time)


Here are some more photos of the process:

Monday, January 2, 2012

DIY photo & jewelry display

I love finding new ways to display jewelry and photos, and this project is absolutely perfect because it's not permanent: you can change out the photos anytime and the jewelry is easily moved and changed as well. 

  • fabric covered foam core board (Michael's)
  • sewing pins
  • old photos
  • Well the procedure is pretty simple and self-explanatory
    • lay the board on the ground & arrange the pictures 
    • pin them down
    • hang the board up (the board I had already had mounting hooks on the back, so I used a couple push pins in the wall to mount it.)
    • hang your jewelry (and any other things you want...I have a couple cloth flowers and a pressed carnation up there)
    • and VOILA!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I climbed the tree to see the world

One of my favorite idea who said it, or what it's from, but I love it none the less.
The picture is in the quad on UNC campus