Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years & New Beginnings

I suppose a new year calls for new beginnings, fresh starts, and...every now and then some much needed redecorating! A while ago I came across a great stash of old family photos, but I had nothing to do with them, so they stayed cooped up in their box. (What a shame, right?) This winter break left me with loads of free time, so I decided to reopen that box and rummage through our tool box for some twine. (Oh I do love twine!) I saw this photo display idea online, so I thought I'd take a whack at it!


  1. Hunter, This is how I hang my pictures while I try to figure out how to frame them. To go the extra mile, I decorate the clothespins with old vintage jewellery or china/glass pieces that i find at flea markets or the thrift store. You can also cover them with material from old clothes. I am making Katie a "life" quilt of old clothes, sports uniforms and pictures for graduation. To organize items I hang them up on twine "lines" so you can move items around and organize them without being tacked down. Love my decorative clothespins(love the ones I decorate with my vintage button collection as well : stored in vintage mason jars.They make pretty storage/craft gifts for crafty people)

  2. Awww!! I love that idea! I will definitely keep the clothespins in mind for my next project!
